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April 27, 2011

Amazing Color Photographs of Moscow in the 1930s

A gallery of some of rare and amazing color photographs of Moscow in the 1930s

The Kremlin from the Bolshoi Kamenny Most
The Kremlin from the Bolshoi Moskvoretsky Most

The Kremlin from the Bolshoi Moskvoretsky Most

The Mosvkoretskaya street and the Vasilevsky spusk from the Moskvoretsky bridge

Kremlin, Granovitaya Palace

Kremlin, the Blagoveschensky (Annunciation) cathedra

The Great Ivan bell tower

The Red Square

The GUM supermarket

Resurrection or Iversky gate (destroyed in 1931)

Sverdlov (Theatre) square

Teatralny proezd towards the Lubyanka

The CUM supermarket

The Second Moscow Art Theatre (then Central Children’s Theatre)

TORGSIN, the “foreign currency” shop for foreigners (1931-36)

Ohotny Ryad street

The Soviet square

Agitation poster for the five years plan on the Soviet square

Soviet square, Lenin Institute

Strastnaya square (where the giant lion was sleeping)

Tversky square, with the still standing New Triumphal Gate

The Christ Savior cathedral, blown up in 1931

The Christ Savior cathedral

The Novodevichi monastery

The Pyatnitsa street with the Paraskeva Pyatnitsa church (destroyed in 1935)

The Resurrection of Christ church in SokolnikiA szokolnyiki Krisztus Feltámadása-templom

Tower of the Church of St. Pantelemon of Athos


  1. So lovely, massive fan of magic lantern slides, such a doorway to history! Han x

  2. Thank you for sharing such a beautiful pictures !! Moscow is great place for visiting. I went there when I was of 10 year old only. After that, I shifted in London (United Kingdom).




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