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September 29, 2011

Magnificent Hairdresser's Tools From the 1920s

In the 1920s, the new dryers were often heavy, weighing in at approximately 2 pounds (0.9 kg), and were difficult to use. They also had many instances of overheating and electrocution. Hair dryers were only capable of using 100 watts, which increased the amount of time needed to dry hair (the average dryer today can use up to 2000 watts of heat).

Since the 1920s, development of the hair dryer has mainly focused on improving the wattage and superficial exterior and material changes. In fact, the mechanism of the dryer has not had any significant changes since its inception. One of the more important changes for the hair dryer is to be made of plastic, so that it is more lightweight.
These images from our not-so-dim Seussian/Medusian hair-care past, even though they seem to be instruments for hard-line delivery of intelligence. The hairdresser's tools were simple: pore openers, hair straighteners, hair curlers, heat setting heat setters, and the like.

(via JF Ptak Science Books)

1 comment:

  1. The 1920s brought with them a revolution in women's hairstyles. Women during this era began cutting their hair into short "Castle bobs" | Hair Salon NJ




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